Love is an action and Jesus showed love to people in many ways: He fed, He preached, He healed and ultimately He died for all people because of God's powerful love. At First Lutheran Church our mission is to continue His example in worship, ministry and fellowship with everyone we meet: "Showing the Love of Jesus to People Every Day." We invite you to come and visit First Lutheran and share in worshiping God and serving others.
First Lutheran Church in Bozeman was formed in 1930 and is a congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. In the 90 years of the church's existence, First Lutheran has ministered to the congregation, the people of the Gallatin Valley and worked with other groups around the world. Today, we partner and volunteer with several local organizations to show the love of Christ to those in need:
- Family Promise of Gallatin Valley is a network of local congregations organized to help Gallatin Valley’s homeless families with children and First Lutheran is one of several Bozeman congregations who use their facility to house those in need.
- Gallatin County Love Inc. exists to help partner churches mobilize their members to be the hands and feet of Christ in the Gallatin County.